Duane L. Herrmann

I Write Her


Zoom here,
Zoom there,
Going nowhere, and yet anywhere!


Little spider climbing
up the air
on invisible string.


Gentle purring indicates
it is awake
will need to be fed.
I care for its needs,
it can then help me –
we are a team:
my friend,
my chainsaw.


The man has a place in the country, a few acres. Part of it is meadow, but part is hillside with trees. The meadow is a nice open space, but it is the trees that enchant him. Their shade and the breeze particularly attract him. They are his refuge from a life of stress. A friend posted a photo she had found of someone who also had trees, and in their roots had placed tiny elfin doors, windows and even walkways, handmade but exquisite. He would do that too!! They would add…

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