Beautiful Laura sat by the sea…


Beautiful Laura sat by the sea

A Poem byCoyote Poetry

" Beautiful places and things can’t be forgotten. "

                        Beautiful Laura sat by the sea…

I sat in a field of wildflowers.
The scent of the wildflowers took me to the sea and sweet Laura.

Laura loved the free flowers. She told me often.
Beauty should be free and not caged.

I went far away from sweet Laura. I served the Army and she was wild and free.
I remember her sweet voice. Her singing of sweet songs of love and peace.
She loved dancing with the waves and tossing me butterfly kisses from a distance.

She asked, would I return to her my Poet friend?”
I told her. Life is not fair. I will try to return to you my love. I know you can’t return
to the same place you left.

Laura took my hands. We danced upon…

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Dear lover…


Dear lover

A Poem byCoyote Poetry

" People can fall together for the wrong reasons. "

                                 Dear lover…

I have learned too late. The words not spoken and the letters never written. Are written too late and become meaningless words.

I knew you when we were fleeing from ourselves and we were damned to the booze and the drugs. Everything we held precious had turn to shit and instead of curling up and dying.

We found salvation in each other arms. We were seeking and finding things that were leading us into a inferno of no return. Where saints and sinners find similar corridors of the shade of love promises that cannot be kept.

We laid in beds of hidden rooms in the dark motels seizing the last grasp at desperate needs. We learned too late. The flesh demand payment. When two people are twisted up their last hope, bodies…

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Ravishing beauty dancing alone…


Ravishing beauty dancing alone…

We will masquerade as many people. We will be hopeful and filled with dreams when youth is our advantage. We will strip to bare essentials and dance fearless and unafraid when the good wine and true love is near.

Love is fair. The karma of love lead us to real justice. People who worship love and stay true to the purpose. Can get lost in the emotion of love. They will have danced in the peril of the sweet kiss and can burn and roll. Knowing love is like a free and wild river. Can’t be controlled or imprisoned.

Ravishing beauty dancing alone on the moon light beach. Her long dress flowed with the ocean breeze and her soft feet caressed the sea sand. Her beauty overtook me and a wise man could understand by looking at her sad eyes. Love was dead to her. I…

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Throwback Friday, Her Secret Key, by Ivor Steven

Go Dog Go Café

Today I am presenting a nostalgic and dreamy poem that I wrote in April 2018.

Her Secret Key.

Do I stay, end up in a geriatric room

or do I fly away to the moon

Live in a cottage by the sea

surrounded by mountains and palm trees

I’ve hundreds of dreams to do

I could take a lady friend too

Marry and honeymoon at Niagara Falls

travel to China and walk the wall

See the sights at our National Park, Kakadu

take a spiritual tour of Kathmandu

Cruise the beautiful European rivers

or just globe-trot anywhere I please

What does the future hold for me

I’d like to keep healthy and carefree

Writing poetry like the muse Melpomene

reciting to the world, about her secret key

Ivor Steven (c) Easter 2020

G’day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I’m…

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