Make It Happen Thursday

Go Dog Go Café

Welcome to Make it Happen Thursday!

This is the day when all members of the Go Dog Go Cafe community come together to tidy up odds and ends as we near the end of the week.

We welcome suggestions to combatwriter’s blockbecause it can happen to the best of us. We encourage you to share your ideas in the comments below or leave a link to a post from your own blog on the subject of writer’s block.

Also, all members of the Go Dog Go Cafe are invited to introduce aPoet or Writerthey enjoy reading. Just drop a link to promote a poet/writer you appreciate and a brief explanation of why you think they are special is welcome.

While you are enjoying your cappuccino or favorite latte, please feel free to check out all the features of the cafe.

Promote Yourself Mondays

Tuesday Writing Prompt…

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