No take-backs my friend…


No take-backs my dear friend.

Young man in the dark tavern told the bar Poet. I broke a woman heart and I spoke cold and heartless words . I should of never said. The bar word-man told him. My friend, no take-backs in a life. Every action or deed done. Written and tattoo on the heart and skin. You could beg for forgiveness and maybe? She would accept you back.

Will she forgive you. I don’t know?
The man asked. What should I do? Run away or run back to her. The poet remembered. He been a runaway man for 36 years and he told him. I escaped from the warmth of love and today. I wished I begged for mercy. Maybe the sweet lady I loved would forgave me? If I could. I would be kind to her forever and a-day. Too late for me my friend.

The young…

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