Do fairytales come true?

Don’t Miss This Great Read – Do Fairytales Come True?

My little world

As a little girl, I grew up listening to fairytales; 💃🏻I grew up reading that for every damsel in distress, there was a Prince Charming🤴🏻, waiting to come riding on his ethereal white horse and save the poor lass. I fell in love with Cinderella, I cried with Snow White, I escaped with Rapunzel and I got lot with Aurora. Like a little girl’s mind would go, I believed , quite strongly, that “Someday my prince will come”🙇🏻‍♀️ , and I kept believing for quite a while. (Well, a part of me believes so even now, but let me come to that later 😅.)

Being quite a hopeless romantic🤷🏻‍♀️, it usually doesn’t take me long to get attached to someone. But just one time, only one time, in my twenty two years as a human, have I fallen madly in love with another…

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