Stop Holding Yourself Back, Own Your Desires, Take Daily Actions, and Live Your Dream Life — Daily Quote

Jo Hawk

A somebody was once a nobody who wanted to and did. John Burroughs

We all start somewhere. We each have 24 hours every day and seven days in the 52 weeks that create an entire year. If you checked in with most of us, you wouldn’t notice much difference from one year to the next. Minor changes, maybe. There is an updated hairstyle and the vacation to the family cabin we visit every summer. That, despite insisting this year, we will learn a new language, change jobs, lose weight and get fit, and start visiting those bucket list locations. Almost everything remains the same.

Except for our one friend. You know who I’m talking about. They backpacked through Vietnam, took up Jiu-jitsu, lost 20 pounds, and they are starting a new position on Monday where they will advance their career further by working with the big-name guru in their field. Yeah, I’m looking at my shoes too and wondering why I’m not as…

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