Have mercy…


Have mercy…

Pretty girl, she told me. Chameleons faces we have, we have become strangers to self, forgot who we were. Once we were whiskey drinking people, who sang and danced, all night long.

Now we are the hang-man joke. Twisted letters once vulgar we spoke, fearless and hard. Now we lay-down and we whisper no mas. We exile ourselves to the corridor of silence. We have become nameless people in a world of shame. Once we were brave and now, we look at the morning sky, asked her, please have mercy upon me, make me believe I am not dead no more. Make me believe I can save myself, save my beloved.

My lover eyes, one fire and brimstone, are empty and quiet. She asked me, can we be saved? I told her, we sold out to the worldly things. We must run away from the shallow rules, leave the…

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Remembering the fragrance of Winter…


Remembering the fragrance of Winter

A Poem by Coyote Poetry
"A story"     

                        Remembering the fragrance of Winter…

I had lived the soldier life. The warm days of Spring did not bring love. The lucky sought the rendezvous with the sweetness of love when the days of Spring arrived.  My Spring fever, I slumbered in the need of love. I preferred long road trips, the sea and the mountains.

Early Winter, I drank alone in the Germany taverns and I saw a brown hair beauty. I did love the Bonnie girls who flashed her long-lashes and her brown eyes, sung songs of the drink and the sea. Scottish girls loved the pathless woods and folly of the jester’s prayer.

“Don’t wait for a miracle, there are none, men are dogs, love war, women and the drink…

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Love had no pride…


 Love had no pride…

Pretty wishes, pretty memories, become kind and sweet places we have known. I remember my greatest wish, ginger hair girl with the eyes of hazel, she was once, my midnight dancer in the cold nights of Winter.

On a night with the liar’s moon above, I told her, I loved her so and she whispered. “Dear Johnnie, forgive me, I am a mess and cannot be awaken.”

I held her tighter, and I whispered. Please tell me sweet lies, please make me believe in miracles and wishes. I know, love had no pride. We have tonight, maybe tomorrow. You and I, we are running from everything and everyone. The half-moon night is above us; we can share the sweet lies. Pretend  we have forever and a-day.

Pretty Jenny wrapped her nude body tightly around me, she whispered.
 “Love had no pride dear Johnnie, after we give…

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Wonderful Darkness


I think I’m madly in love with you

The more I’m away

The more I think of you, everyday

It felt as if I was intoxicated

Who took my soul and made me this addicted?

To you and only you that I see

It was you, the most addictive kind of drug that ever existed


Is love pain?

I can feel it crawling the more I’m away

It pains me only if we can’t be near to one another

If I die over and over again

I’d still pick you

It would always be you

Even in a different alternate reality


My dreams overtook me

But I still could never

Supplement the wonderful life with you

In a world full of darkness

Even the night, lights up with stars sometimes

The light in my world is you

It always been you

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Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge: Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Go Dog Go Café

Devereaux Frazier and Beth Amanda are currently hosting the Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge which was started by our star writer Christine Ray. We hope to offer all of you something that will spark your creativity and willingness to participate.

The prompts are designed to be quick challengesthat can be written in 10 to 15minutes, inspire you creatively, are fun, and get everyone interacting. Please post your response to the prompt in the comments below and show your fellow posters some love and support. All members of the Go Dog Go community, including Baristas, are welcome to participate. Feel free to share this post on your own blogs and/or Facebook.

Today’s prompt: Write a piece of prose or poetry using the words frost, mask, and significant other

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Your Reminisce

Confab With Me

No matter how many beautifulmoments I conjure, they never dazzle enough to outshine the reminisce I keep for you in the fold of my heart

By, Shantanu Baruah

Connect with me on social media. My social media handles are below




Copyright @Shantanu Baruah

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Shantanu Baruah, and ckonfab.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content

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