“…The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all…”

Art of Quotation

“The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn’t; he can go away to New Guinea on his yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. Aristocrats were always anarchists.”

G.K. Chesterton, English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, literary and art critic.

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For years I have swim in shit and I didn’t care. I dodged the longing, belonging and needy want of love. I learn love is fair. In the end, winners and losers find the same dead-end.

The pretty girl wanting eyes looked into my eyes. Searching for the salvation of perfect kiss and embrace. I wrote a poem for her, just honest words to smooth the way to an unrequited love.

Lace, silk sheets and long night, make the lovers wish and hold out.
Dark is the night when lonely people confuse lust for love,
the body needs make us accept the fear, the knowing love is fleeing and love is invisible.
The sweet hard kiss tasted like stale whiskey and old wine.
Unkempt love must find mutual place and need.
You are an ornament of beauty, a treasure for a wise man.
Dead heart and hope…

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Three Line Tales, Week 165

Only 100 Words

Welcome to Week 165 of Three Line Tales.

three line tales, week 165: people in front of a giant clock face photo by Stijn te Strake via Unsplash

You’ll find full guidelines on the TLT page – here’s the tl;dr:

  • Write three lines inspired by the photo prompt (& give them a title if possible).
  • Link back to this post (& check the link shows up under the weekly post).
  • Tag your post with 3LineTales (so everyone can find you in the Reader).
  • Read and comment on other TLT participants’ lines.
  • Have fun.

Happy three-lining!

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I Write Her

230Ash D. Solomon – Lucid Being

finally tasting
what it means to be proud
of myself
it took too many years
for me to be free
from the contempt
the shame
your shame
forced on me
always making me feel smaller
than you were
knocking me down
me losing my identity
giving up my right to believe in myself

what a horrible mother you were
damn you

treading water
for years
wasted years
of frustration and tears
pushing hard
to break barriers
and maintain
sure would have been easier
knowing my value

you were supposed to be on my side
damn you

did it without you
lived an honorable, scarred life
healed all the wounds
inside and out
ups and downs
gains with each effort
failure was not
an option

you weren’t ever my safety net
damn you

so much better than what was
my time has…

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