Between The Lines

Sarah Doughty

ā€œYou told me you loved me. Believed in me.
And that tells me everything will be alright.ā€

I see the empty space where you used to lay at night. Your scent still permeates from your pillow. Without you, all I have is a letter you wrote. You told me to follow my heart, stand my ground, and bear my name with pride. I didnā€™t know what those words meant at first, but on my own, I understand. You gave me strength, even though youā€™re no longer by my side. No matter how much I feel like my world is falling apart, I remember those words, and I recite them over and over again. Between those lines, you told me how much you loved me and believed in me, and that tells me that everything will be alright.

Ā© Sarah Doughty

You told me you loved me.
That would alwaysā€¦

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I always get to where I’m going by walking away from where I’ve been #Winnie-the-Pooh #ChristopherRobin #Inspiration

Poems for Warriors

Christopher-Robin-Movie Movie Still from Christopher Robin / Walt Disney Pictures

ā€œI always get to where Iā€™m going by walking away from where Iā€™ve been.ā€ Winnie-the-Pooh, Christopher Robin

This quote was from the movie, ā€œChristopher Robin,ā€ which came out last year in 2018. I am watching it again, and these words struck me. It is right after Christopher Robin, now a grown man, ventures with Pooh back into the Hundred Acre Wood.

Christopher Robin is now a businessman with many pressures and stresses as a manager at a luggage company that is facing ā€œcuts.ā€ He is worried about cutting costs and not losing his job. His family is missing him because of all of the extra work he has to do, including on the weekends.

Once he goes through a secret portal in a tree, he lands in the magical land with Pooh, Eeyore, Piglet, Rabbit, Roo, Tigger and the whole gang.

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ORDER (a poem)

Katie Kay

i prefer structure:
syllables, grammar,
sentences, order.

it is who i am,
deep within my blood,
made of red water:

the blueprint of my
being remains there,
in these thin canals,

and my brain agrees,
because what matters
is myĀ rational.


Well, this is another interesting poem, and Iā€™m honestly not sure where it came from. Personally, while I enjoy a certain degree of order in my life, Iā€™m also very easygoing when it comes to my day to day existence.

That being said, I know a lot of you guys do truly value structure in your lives, so maybe you can relate to this desire to keep everything in alignment as you see it. Some argue that people can change; others argue the opposite, but I do believe each of us is programmed differently and we all have various components to what makesā€¦

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šŸ§ September 11, 2019: Quote of The Day & My Thoughts

Beckie's Mental Mess

Image result for google quotes images


ā€œEducation, inspiration, and imagination can build oneā€™s character and confidence in anything you set your mind to. Strive and flourish, allow yourself to break through limitations and no one can take that away from you.ā€

~ Beckie Cutler ~

BC 2019

Quote Credits:Ā  Google Quotes and Me, Myself, and I.

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