The Clock Has Tocked


Exemplary – Word of the Day


Rachel Carson (1907 – 64) (Photo: Carson was a marine scientist whose most known public work was “Silent Spring” (1962), a clarion call for humanity to address their impact on nature. In particular, Silent Spring is an investigation into pesticides. Carson wrote: “They should not be called “insecticides” but “biocides.” Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, p. 189.

“We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost’s familiar poem , they are not equally fair. The road we have long been travelling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road – the one less travelled by – offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth.” Rachel Carson, Silent Spring p. 277.

Carson was an…

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Golden Years

Poesy plus Polemics

oldage “Old Couple” by James Coates

mornings come early
and often
when bladder
resolves to rebel
dawn irrelevant
body clock wobbles
and creaks through
bent gears
while the calendar
chortles with ridicule

hourglass sands
leak from
stress cracks
slip into
dry cartilage
joints complain pain
eyesight droops
and demurs
veiled by cataracts
hairs flee the scalp
for a circular spree
round the drain

golden years
a phrase
cruelly coined
I’m convinced
by some wise ass
too young
to appreciate
old father time
has no sense of
remorse or for that
matter humor

From my book Ephemera

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Pay It Forward Thursday- September 27, 2018

Give some kudos to a writer whose poem or piece you loved reading by listing them in the Cafe’s event!!

Go Dog Go Café

Pay It Forward 7-4-2018

The baristas at Go Dog Go Cafe are big fans of Pay It Forward Thursdays. We think it is a great opportunity to give a shout-out to another writer who has wowed us or creatively inspired us.  However, Pay It Forward Thursday has not been getting a lot of love lately, which we think is a shame. Dear reader, you are losing out on some great writing! We’ve decided to shake things up a little and the baristas will be reblogging our Pay It Forward picks for the week directly onto GDG Cafe so you don’t miss out on our favorites.

We like this idea so much that we will also reblog the posts you think were the best thing you read this week if you drop a link below. You are invited to post one link to one specific post (600 words or less please!) from someone…

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What It Isn’t

Lets talk about constructive criticism.

Constructive criticism is a respectful, actionable suggestion for improvement. Its purpose is to draw attention to something that could be done better, or to draw attention to a solvable problem. It is best to give constructive criticism when it is asked for. And possibly if it is offered, and only given when the offer is accepted.

Constructive criticism isn’t criticising for the sake of your own vanity or to be deliberately unhelpful. That is destructive criticism. The main difference is how the “crit” is delivered. Although both ways are meant to oppose or challenge you, being destructive is hurtful, unnecessary and makes you look like a petty asshole.

Coming from an art background, constructive critiques are the most valuable resource you can have. Your peers can guide you, shape you, help you rise or hold you back. In an industry that is subjective, it’s helpful to…

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“That is quite a statement to the women of this country.”

Art of Quotation

“It is worth pondering… 2 of the 9 justices of the US Supreme Court will have been credibly accused of serious sexual misconduct and confirmed anyway. That is quite a statement to the women of this country.”

Susan Hennessey, twitter feed, September 16, 2018.
Lawfare Executive Editor, Brookings Fellow, CNN National Security and Legal Analyst, Former IC attorney.

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