Daily Dose of Affirmation

Be Inspired..!!

Each day you can journey from your Alpha (it begins with you) to your Omega, which in the teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, is the point within each of us where our inner spiritual nature meets our outer worldly nature.

It is with this thought I bring to you daily dose of affirmations for your mind and soul. An affirmation a day, keeps the therapist away!!! Here are your affirmation for today :

  • I open up my throat chakra and am able to express myself fully.
  • I send loving energy to my future job.
  • I choose to feel gratitude rather than fear and am ready for this job.
  • I am one with money energy and am able to work with it from an aligned state.
  • I am connected to my dream clients and send them love.

Have a wonderful week ahead.

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