Don’t Stop, Stopping by my blog!  I will be posting older original work!!

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone one of my followers and readers for supporting my blog and the postings I have made of my work but mainly of reblogs/sharing the works of other great writers over the last two years.

I have been stockpiling most of my original work in preparation of self publishing two poetry books.  This is going to take me time to ramp up and get things going so I have had to make a very painful decision to Step away from reblogging every day.  I’m going to see if I might be able to fit in one or two days a week, but no promises.

I will be reposting my own original work each day.  Probably one or two pieces and maybe some inspirational quote or information!!  I’m hoping I can get the books ready sooner than I fear and get back to reblogging and writing.  Some have asked why I reblog the works of others so much and just don’t limit what I post to my own work like most authors on WordPress.

Well, for me it’s a matter of :

#1  I love to read great poetry and reblogging motivates me to read more poetry;

#2  I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to find inspirational gems or seeds of inspiration in the writings of others – a word, a title, a phrase or idea that sparks the creation of a poem of my own.  I am indebted to many of you for being inspirators to my work!!  Thank you so much for that!!

#3  I have always loved to share things that I love with others, good recipes, good movies, good books and Great Poetry!!  It has been an honor and privilege to share posts by so many of you for so long!  I will really, really miss that!!  Thank you so much!!

#4  I will dearly miss the opportunity to find and keep great friendships through my reblogging.  I will still be reading but definitely not as voraciously as I did while reblogging.  Thank you to everyone for taking your valuable time over the last two years to come view, comment and support my blog and all the other writers who I was able to spotlight and share with you.  I hope you enjoyed all of your visits and found my blog worthy of your precious time!!

Since I am not going to be reblogging like before I’m hoping that some of you will take the time and effort to share the work of others whose words touched your heart with your own followers by reblogging.  Pass it Forward!

I will still be up and about on WordPress so come visit my blog and catch up on some of my earlier posts before you may have started following me!!  I appreciate your visits to my archives too!

Thanks for every view, comment and all your support for me and my blog over the last two years!!!
See You on WordPress!

Wishing you health, happiness, love and great writing!!
Chuck Lindholm
The Reluctant Poet


  1. I for one have appreciated the energy you have put into reblogging. I discovered new poets I might never have read! All the best with your publishing endeavours. Look forward to the final product!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments! I guess my objectives were fulfilled and it makes me happy to know you have expanded your friends and meet new writers! Thanks so much for your best wishes on my publishing effort!!
      xoxo 😊🌹

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and interest in my writing!! Keep visiting my blog – I’m going to start reposting from my first posts for those that started following me recently. Would love to have you keep viewing!!! Be safe out there!!


  2. Dear Chuck,

    I keep my fingers crossed that you may be successful, dear friend 🙂
    Thank you so much for reblogging many of my artwork, poems, and aphorisms – Now it is time that you concentrate on your own work.

    In thankfulness for our friendship and mutual appreciation 🙂
    Good luck, dear Chuck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Didi, I so appreciate and value our friendship!! I am going to be missing going through your and so many other’s daily digest searching for the gems you have tucked away there!! i am so grateful
      for all your support, views, comments and friendship!! Thanks for you good wishes on my publishing endeavor!! I will keep in touch!!
      Chuck 😊😊😁✨✨✨

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmmmm??? Thank you so much for your best wishes on my publishing endeavors! Now that I’m reading that I’m not going to be reblogging your posts I’m thinking – You posts might be an exception for prompts, quotes etc?? That might work?? Especially, since you are the one that got me writing everyday!! I’m going to mull this over?!! Would love to keep reblogging your posts.
      Love and Hugs!!! 😘💕🌹🌹

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Go ahead and blame this all on me. I can take it. 😄😄 You are welcome to continue reblogging, but I absolutely understand if you don’t have the time. Do what makes you happy. I’m still here rooting for you. 💕👍💕

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh, This means a lot to me, My Dear!! I am so happy you will be there urging me on and being a Cheerleader (might you still have your uniform from high school?) LOL!! Likewise, Likewise!!
      Ti Adoro Tesoro
      xoxoxo 😘💕💋

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh, You are too sweet to Me, Nikki!!! Not an easy choice but I am working on a very special book and have to devote the needed time! It will be hard to stay away!
      Ti Adoro Tesoro
      baci baci
      xoxoxo 💕😘💋💋💕🌹

      Liked by 1 person

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