United We Stand


it is the subtle comments
that are hard to tolerate
the implications

that pit woman against woman
stay at home
workplace mum

legislation protects our rights
to make a choice
equality on paper

the innuendos
keep us down
she has kids…

the blame
for societal breakdown
a working mum…

the old boys ways
no advancement
low wages…

the violence
no way out
her fault…

let not the Famous Five*
have worked in vain,
link our arms

united we stand
continue the fight,
equality for all

©Heather Carr-Rowe

*The Famous Five are the Canadian Suffragettes who worked to have women recognized as persons. Here is a short video telling about these women. I hope you enjoy:

Ragtag Daily Prompt: Tolerate

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Everyone but You

Your Fiery

My words for you

they Truth me

I let them. I let them Truth me

because without these words of mine for you

I Am a Walking Lie

to non-friends

to faux-companions

to quasi-acquaintances

to said ‘family ‘

I am a walking lie

of smiles

and ‘yes I’m okay’s

a falsity of ‘everything is great’

a deception of vowed side by sides

that consume me

a boiling, churning pot of misplaced guilt and

forced upon shame

And a name that simply means “I am not me”

But oh, my words for you

they Truth me

they kill the lies

still the pain

until again I become

a wind up doll of fear and obligation

of maternal defamation

And then , my love

I am a lie once more

called a whore




will they eat me up?

these lies?

that place of hurt where truth dies

falsities and…

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Leading Or Led

I Write Her


what do you do
what do you say

do your thing or fall in line

who do you worship
who do you have allegiance to

when all around you…


tell me what you are looking for

crowd acceptance
some invisibility
your community
unchanging traditions

are you a follower or your own person

out, proud, loud
being who you are
living the only true you
or always guided by others

are you satisfied

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Putting Out The Flame

I Write Her

virtual toy
meant to heighten
and arouse
deep-seated needs
never shared

left swipe
right swipe
dismissing or picking
what suits your fantasy
and longing

hoping this stranger will want you
dreaming of scenarios
jerking off
whatever self-esteem
you have left

titillating stimulation
brought havoc
for the only lusty one
wanting you

unnamedMarina Abramović


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A life well lived!

Savvy Raj

How is life well lived asked someone to me recently.

While each of us has an answer that is perfectly tuned for our souls purpose.

Yet life is well lived…

In the letting go
Of the unnecessary
For then we experience life best
In the lightness of being.

When we persevere enough to let go…
Let go of the little niggles along the way
Those that seem to bother for the moment
They will diminish in time
Let go for the need for self importance
Remember our uniqueness
There is truly no one like another.
Let go of over stretching,
to meet up to overcommitment,
And the over expectations of society.
It is a disastrous road not worth taking .
Let go of over perfecting
Every thing said or done.
It can be truly overwhelming .

Let go of unkind and inconsiderate behavior.
One cannot and need not please them…

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The Dreaded Daylight Saving Time Adjustment – Daily Quote

Jo Hawk


If there is one thing I dread, it is Daylight Saving Time (DST). It defies reason. The nomenclature is nonsensical. We are not “saving” daylight, the earth’s rotation does not speed up or slow down. Science says today there are eleven hours and thirty-five minutes of sunlight, and tomorrow we gain another three minutes. It is a natural phenomenon for spring.

The adjustment to DST mimics the feelings of jet lag. The abrupt change messes with our normal bedtime schedule. Studies show Americans sleep approximately 40-50 minutes less on the night after DST. This pattern continues for several nights. The disruption may cause daytime fatigue, an upset stomach, symptoms of mild sickness, moodiness, foggy memory, and lost productivity.

I suppose if we can alter time, we can transform anything. Good stories are the embodiment of change. We expect our characters to undergo transformations, and authors create and shape entire worlds. We take…

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