

we began as seedlings
nurtured we were
by the warmth that sprung
from our parents love
we sprouted and grew
showed our true colours
each a unique bloom
sometimes we were pruned,
kept in trim,
our trunks grew solid
our branches extended
our roots stretched
beyond the garden gate
we dropped new seeds
tended their growth
through many seasons,
now snow settles
upon our limbs
time grows short
but our gnarled branches
will be forever linked

©Heather Carr-Rowe

Ragtag Daily Prompt: Sibling

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SOUND OF SIRENS…(Sung to the tune of The Sound of Silence)

Kevin Parish

Hello, bank vault my old friend.

I’ve come to tumble you – again.

Because my wife spent all of my

And I need to get some more – you

But I’m old,

And my fingers ache much more

Than before.

Is that the sound – of sirens?


Man, Silhouette, Businessman, Escape

In this darkened bank I roam.

I need to get out and go home.

Running down the hall towards the
back door.

I need to get out just a moment

When my eyes were stabbed by the
flashing of blue cop lights.

No, this ain’t right.

Yes, that’s the sound – of sirens.


And in the darkened hall I saw.

Dancing shadows on the wall.

Then a bullhorn said that I
should freeze.

Quickly, I fell down upon my

And I crawled – hoping I could make my way…

Another day.

Away from sounds – of sirens.

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Hobby Horse Dreams By Mark Tulin

Crow On The Wire

In my mind,
I’m still a little cowboy
sitting on a wooden
hobby horse
on my parents’ shag
I could barely walk upright
and only knew a few words
like mommy, daddy and
ice-cream on good days.
I wore a ten-gallon hat,
slipped into a pair of Tony Lamas,
and pulled up my Wrangler jeans.
I rode the dusty canyon path
and played my guitar,
heated up weenies on an open
I rocked my wooden
hobby horse
under a Montana full moon,
down the dusty roads,
up the rocky inclines
chasing cattle rustlers
and men on
Most Wanted posters.
I could ride forever in my mind,
I could lasso up all the 
calves and steers I could find.
I could capture all the bad guys, 
put them behind bars 
and still, be ready for dinnertime.
This poem first published in the Scarlet Leaf Review in the March/April 2019…

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Security in Numbers


Life cannot be compartmentalized

Nor can one label and box it

But if I have to count in numbers…

One love to take care of my heart

Two kids, such a blessing

My bloodline, three siblings

Four tenets to live by an enriched life

Five books to nourish my mind

Six songs to keep my soul humming

Seven, my lucky number always

And eight…wait!

Even if I count on all my fingers

I have more friends I can swear by

Sorry folks, I had to jump from seven to double digits

For my friends double my joy of living

And make this life so complete.

Day 29: By the numbers


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One Liner Wednesday June 19/2019

Keep it alive

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” ― Mother Teresa

(Last week I read on a blog post that if it is a one-Liner why is it followed by a lot of other lines)

My apologies, but I still would like to elaborate on this fantasticquote by one of the kindest woman know to us in modernhistory. Beingkinddoesn’t cost anything. Not eventime and effortbecause a smile is kindness too. Try to do something each day that can make someone, anyone happy. Believe me you will the echoes of that act all through your day, just like ripples in the water.

In response to;

One Liner Wednesday June 19/2019

A Prompt by; Linda G Hill



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