By Charles Robert Lindholm

Time Has Removed
Any Doubt,
About What It Was
We Shared Together

With A Soft Blur Of Years
And Faded Memories
Of The Ecstasy
Of Two Hearts,
Two Souls,
And Two Bodies
Joined And Intertwined
In A Merger That Was Divine

It Was A Melding,
A Forging Into One
For A Moment In Time
Like Words And Music
Blending Into A Song
That Sadly Comes To An End

Too Soon
The Oneness Was Over
And Life Took Us Away
From The Crossroad
In Time We Shared

And From The Love
We Knew
Was Always There
But Never Mentioned,
Nor Proclaimed

A Love
That Went Unspoken
But Not Unknown
By Both Of Us

And Those Memories
Remain A Treasure
I Keep Hidden
Deep In My Heart

As I Travel On
The Crooked Path
I’ve Chosen

COPYRIGHT © 2018 Charles Robert Lindholm – All Rights Reserved

9 thoughts on “OUR CROSSROAD IN TIME

  1. Oh, Chuck… how heartfelt and beautiful this was! When I read this, I think of those unions that sadly, love was never expressed in words, yet the emotions were felt and the actions showed it. And, sometimes, those connections are brief and the people have paths that go in different directions. We are left hoping that, maybe, one day those paths will merge again, but something in us tells us that our moment with them was something like a once in a lifetime occurrence. So we hold onto that memory and cherish it with our lives… thankful that it happened. Wow… this really touched my soul, especially how you described this:

    “It Was A Melding,
    A Forging Into One
    For A Moment In Time
    Like Words And Music
    Blending Into A Song
    That Sadly Comes To An End”

    Being a musician, this makes me smile and nod my head in great understanding. Music has this way of taking us on this journey, lifting our emotions and causing us to go deep within ourselves. It is an adventure, like a rose unfolding petal by petal… and then… suddenly it is over. We are left feeling full, yet empty. Such a confusing state to be in. Your comparison of your brief connection to your love to music is just amazing. It filled your heart, yet left you feeling empty in a way… because it is a song that is now over.

    I am left in awe of this, Chuck. Really, really love this poem and so thankful that you shared the link to it with me! Thank you so much for this beautiful poem!! Bravo!


  2. i thought how hard it is to keep a secret love in our hearts, wanting to tell someone how much we love them but never having courage , maybe we should all just write secret admirer notes huh?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry I missed this! Yes, never having the courage to speak up and tell someone seems to be the saddest thing. An opportunity missed. A soulmate that might have been. I like your idea! You are so smart! I’m so happy I found this.
      Sweet Dreams!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So are you saying our memories are like the walking dead? LOL! Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Yes, hidden deep in our hearts under lock and key! Ha! Thanks so much for commenting, Dear Fiona!


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