I had no idea what “Back Catalogging” was all about until my friend Mr. S. of Sailorpoet asked if he could Back Catalog my work.  I said sure!  And within a week or so he had finished reading my poems and written his report of the experience and a response poem – “Checking In With A Reluctant Poet“.  I was deeply grateful but have been continually prodded by him, ever since to become the “Unreluctant Poet”!

So, when Mr. S. asked if I wanted to join him in Back Catalogging the writer – Tanya Cliff on .  I immediately said yes!  Having met Tanya as one of the first visitors to my blog and as a follower of her blog I was very excited to try my first Back Catalogging project.

So, here goes:

Tanya Cliff is a wonderfully gifted writer.   The range of her work runs from poetry to prose and also includes stop action photography projects and special topics close to her heart.  Whether in poetry or prose her writing  is beautiful, elegant, romantic, emotional and sensuous and often seasoned with doses of humor too.

Her points of reference, topics, styles and photography (done by her 13 year old daughter) combine with her curious nature and a very mischievous spirit to produce some unique and memorable works. There is a delicious menu of work by Tanya to chose from so please visit her at and start sampling and enjoying her writing for yourself!


Here are some of my favorites.


This is by far and away my favorite poem by Tanya!  Here Tanya has created a beautiful and elegant poem but on another level has included such a “Sweet Innuendo” that is instantaneously compelling from between the lines and placed in the shadows from where your soul reflexively answers.  Well, mine sure did?

I think that my response to this poem in the comment section says what struck me the most and did the same for Mr. S., only he was smart enough to keep his thoughts to himself!  Not sure I can say anything more or better than I did there so I will share some of it here.

Mr. S. has stated, “Beautiful, sensual and erotic poetry. Favorite”.  I ditto’d his comment and feelings.

Tanya ended this poem with two unconsciously powerful words that seemed to be a subtle or not so subtle – request, command or longing – “PAINT ME!”  I would like to think my thoughts were not an isolated reaction though perhaps unspoken by others.

I heard a command/request and responded – “Yes, absolutely!  . . . You have created such a reflexive request that the Soul has answered at the very moment the eyes finish reading those stunning words – Paint Me!!! (Reflex – an action that is performed as a response to a stimulus and without conscious thought)”.

See what your response is to this request?  I’m hoping Tanya will give us “More” and make a very large series of these, Please!

These words provided me with a number of inspirational seeds for a poem or two for which I am indebted to Tanya!  I am hoping to post them soon.

Next we have two excellent companion pieces:


This is a rich depiction of playing a “hand-held flute  . . . with wind blown notes from warm lips” for the first half and then a interesting contrast in the second half and a humorous last line “the repetitive honk of a lonely goose”.


Here Tanya returns to her theme but with a new instrument – the guitar.  This piece satisfies on various levels and in my opinion is the better of the two pieces.  Here we have a very elegant and delightful description of playing the guitar before turning into an equally enjoyable depiction of political frustration with a final dose of humor at the end.  A wonderful read!


This is an very interesting and intriguing read about the writer’s process but much more.  This is an excellent display of Tanya’s masterful use of words and humor – “Little quill on an inkwell rests. The stationary lives up to its name.”  I had to think about the “stationary” line before I got it.  While walking us through the writer’s process the writer is expressing a frustration with herself and her writing but at the same time trying to speak to a deeper social condition.  A memorable piece.

You may also enjoy reading through her comments on this piece where she explains some of her writing process!  I am hoping Tanya will stitch these comments together with other insights and give us a future post on the subject of “How and Why I Write”?  Won’t You Tanya?


This is a very playful piece that should be enjoyed at full throttle but watch out for the “trash landing” as Miss Tanya takes you through a light hearted narrative that leads to serious consequences at the end.  Spoiler alert – she is convicted by Her own written words from her beating heart!!  I thought it was a set up? LOL!


This is a whimsical and wistful piece about adventurous times sailing on clouds where pirates plunder!  A Peter Pan feel that is fun.


This is a very moving and forceful social comment on hunger.  Please Read This!!!

And in a more humorous vein


This is a wonderfully funny and delightful piece.  Please don’t miss the fun in this post.

How can you not love a piece that starts out with:   “We are lighting a smoke bomb today.  I’m good at this. . . . Please don’t panic when you see the mini-mushroom cloud rising above my roof line.” . . . My children think I’m weird and funny. That’s a good thing. It keeps them interested, laughing and engaged. . . . What could possibly go wrong? . . . My only real dilemma: “Should I warn the neighbors?

And lastly, a sample of Tanya’s film making skills


A humorous and mischievous look at Tanya’s “Stop Action” film making skills.  Don’t miss this!!!  My thought was that this project was probably the inspiration and reason for her “Should I Warn The Neighbors”.

I owe Tanya a very Big Thank You for the enjoyable and fun moments going through her Back Catalog and for being such a big supporter of so many other writers.

It seems every time I go to “Like” someone’s piece I see Tanya’s photo icon and know she has beat me to the party.  We so appreciate her support of our writer’s community and especially for me!!

I have two final words to describe Tanya and her writing – Bellissimo, Bellissimo!!!!

Chuck Lindholm

The Reluctant Poet


  1. Reblogged this on sailorpoet and commented:
    Chuck has raised the bar on the backcatablogging! His thoughts of Ms. Tanya Cliff’s wonderful writing are excellent. I hope you all can find the time to visit both of their tables in the cafe, they will make your life better.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, I learned from the best! Haven’t passed up the master yet! Can’t catch him! Ha! No, really? Is there some magic potion for energy that you, DavyD, Em, Christine and Singledust take that I can get at Whirlwinds R Us?

      Thanks so much for inviting me to Catablog Ms. Tanya with You!!


    1. Backcatablogging is a great way to grow the community here, Storyteller! Looking forward to getting to know you. Chuck is one of our biggest advocates and I would say the one in the room who makes us all smile with his positive spirit and energy.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You are so kind Sir! You will really like Storyteller! I have a hard time in that room of rarfied talents, remember I’m the tortoise in the crowd! Ha! Happy and laughing is good, right??


  2. Nice post Charles and thanks to you and Mr. S for introducing me to Tanya’s work. She is a very gifted and enjoyable writer.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks! I think we both had fun doing it. She has a great sense of humor and you can just see the mischievous nature in her eyes, can’t you. I loved the opening line to “Should I warn the neighbors”. I am sure she will value knowing You as we all do!!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, I love that! Great imagery and what I want to do also – “Souls walking together on a similar journey”!! Ok, I think I need to challenge/dare you to write on that – I love that visual! You can put it on the backburner as I am sure you are swamped!


  3. Thank you so much for doing this, Chuck! It means a lot to me. I treasure my blogging friends and am happy to count you among them. I am humbled by and grateful for the review of my work and all the kind things you’ve said. Thank you again, my friend. from my heart!😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are so welcome! I really had a great time exploring what you have written. Your words touched my heart so often and in so many ways that it really did surprise me – reflexive responses???

      I had a horrible time trying to get your photo for the featured image so I gave up and posted it in the text – just in case you read this before I got it reposted.

      I have signed up to follow you but I think I’m not getting your posts. I think some others may have had that problem. Is there something I can do so I don’t miss your posts??

      I’m glad if this made you happy and let the rest of the world know what a great writer, poet and filmmaker you are!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, thank you again. I really do appreciate it. I have a blogging friend who sometimes uses my pictures. I’ll have to ask him how he copies them. I think he copies them to his computer file and then uploads to WP from there. I think there is a way to copy in admin too. He gets amazing images! I don’t watermark, so he always gives a blurb about where the pic came from. If you are missing my posts in your feed…(don’t know why that happens, but WP has a few quirks), I do have an email sign up on my side bar. I’ve had a few people do that, so they don’t miss the posts.
        Thank you again! This really meant a lot to me!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So glad that you are pleased with the outcome! I think I will sign up on your email follow! Thanks.

          I have been able to load photos to the text ok it’s just the feature image that cuts off peoples head and half of a photo. Thanks for being such a great subject for this project!!!!

          Liked by 1 person

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