Checking in with a Reluctant Poet

Today I would like to introduce you to Mr. S., the writer and poet of the blog “Sailorpoet”. If you do not already know Mr. S. I will highly recommend you visit his site and check out his works. I have found My Friend to be a very entertaining and insightful writer whose works are at once impactful, deep, moving, romantic, humorous and just fun to read!

Mr. S. is one of the ringleaders of a growing community of wonderful writers who are connected and sharing with each other to further their skills and for the friendship of being with other like minded souls.

Mr. S. is one of the founding members of “The Inspirators Club” a little club I started for all of those who have provided me with a seed of inspiration for a poem later written by me. I am happy to say this club is steadily growing and Mr. S. is leading the charge to get a Clubhouse.

A perfect example of what a Prince Mr. S. is can be found in his many response and tribute poems to the works of other poets he has discovered and read. Mr. S. has a deep respect and dedication to the writings of others and likes to delve deep into the back catalog of writers. I was extremely blessed to have him do that for me!

Mr. S. and I share a fun connection that was started as a result of his comment on a post by DavyD about what time of day was the best time to write. And as a result He started a Meme of the poem I wrote “The Backside Of The Night”.

I have been “Reluctant” to reblog the piece he wrote about me but hope that you will focus on the words and thoughts of Mr.S. and make a definite effort to check out all of his works!!

11 thoughts on “Checking in with a Reluctant Poet

    1. Hey, I think you might be stealing my words about You!! Are you into ESP? Ha! You are too gracious but thank you for the kind words and thoughts! Your words are so wonderful to read but I have to confess I do love them more when you put an audio embed with them!!!! – hint, hint hint! I hope you are feeling better and that your days are smooth!!!


    1. I have wanted to post this for the longest time so that people can see the excellence in your words but I have to tell you even as I put this in the post section it was still really hard for me to take the final step and hit the post button! Still moving at glacial speed. Ha!

      Thank you again for your wonderful support of me and for that tribute. In some very basic ways I guess I’m a little like our Dear Friend, too!

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      1. I am glad you reposted, this was a tribute you deserved. You bravely faced your love of words and you bravely share them. This is the true testament of Faith. That we do our best with what we love.

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        1. Thank You My Friend, but it was more to show what a great writer and Prince you are!! I do love that you have help start me on my journey toward “Unreluctant” no matter the glacial pace! LOL!

          Loved your most current post on Poet’s corner and your blog. I can see now that you lapped me with Siren Whispers! Ha!

          Liked by 1 person

  1. A nice tribute Charles. Mr.S (like yourself) is a wonderful soul and spirit and I am blessed to have made both your acquaintances.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I am hoping You already know that we both feel the exact same way toward You! You have helped me so much as an inspiration for my writing and as a Great Friend, as has Mr. S!!! As Mr. S. has put it, “Walking with You” is an honor!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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