By Charles Robert Lindholm   2-24-2017   4:50 a.m.

 calliope-greek-museI wait for her each morning

in the backside of the night

in the final hours of darkness

just before, the dawn’s first light

 I long for her arrival

so in darkness I can see

and I listen like a lover

to her whispered words

for me

 she comes and she surrounds me

and the thrill, it still astounds me


she softly sighs and tells me

things I need to hear

she wraps herself around me

and gently holds me near


and in those tender moments

the ecstasy is real

and I write so I’ll remember

the way she makes me feel


I wait for her each morning

in the backside of the night

with a lover’s lust that’s burning

just before, the dawn’s first light


and though she’ll never, belong to me

you know each day, I long to be

alone again,

with my, Muse


Copyright © 2017 Charles Robert Lindholm – All Rights Reserved
Please Come And Rummage Through My Archive??

An inspirational thanks to MKVECCHITTO of STEPS TIMES TWO blog

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Darkness Whisper – Muse

Learn about Calliope the Muse




  1. WOW!!! Oh, Chuck. I LOVE this! I hope this one makes it into your book. I miss seeing YOUR poetry! This is BEAUTIFULLY written. You can feel the tenderness and love in your words. Gorgeous, just gorgeous. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh, Penny! You are making me blush! Ha! You made my week with this Sweet comment,
      I am so happy and pleased that this moved you!!!
      Dear! I’m sorry you are missing my poetry.

      There are a couple of ways to cure this, if you want to???? The best way is for you to go back in my archives to 2017 thru 2018. Most of the first year and a half are mainly mine! After you get to August of 2018 it starts being mainly reblogs.

      The second way is go to your reader and click on search and type in “By Charles Robert Lindholm” and this will bring up things written by me! It goes from neweest to oldest. You can also go to the search box on my blog and type in “By Charles Robert Lindholm” and it is newest to oldest!

      The other thing I can do, just for you, SHHH, don’t tell anyone else, is that I can send you a couple of links a day to some of the poems I’m using in my books. I can send you the published ones and then when you get done with those I can start sending you the unpublished ones? Check out what you want and if its the ones for the book I can start sending you those for your Lunch break??? Or there about. Let me know!!

      You are too Sweet!!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I’m so happy you are interested in seeing my words!! I will start sending them to you – special delivery
          Sending one via email. Sorry, I missed your lunch! Have a great Day!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! I love that you feel the way I do about the use of photos. I have been “counseled” to let the readers “imagine” their own mental image. Glad to hear your views match mine!


    1. Ha! Well, you have to make time for them? I have found that most people that have a muse usually end up staying up late or rise early so that the house is quiet and you are usually alone. That has seemed to work best for me. I actually like to compose in the dark. Write one line in my head and then add on to that and get about four or five lines down and then write them down. From there I can keep going in the dark and keep repeating lines or start writing the rest down.

      I find that working in the dark really helps me focus.

      Thanks for viewing and commenting on this – so appreciated!


  2. Though my muse is definitely a “he”, I can understand the whimsical quality of your writing. Knowing the elusive nature of inspiration, wanting to be together for as long as possible, fated to part yet holding on. It was lovely to read your piece. The way you’ve described the waiting for the muse bit, sounds like a lover’s assignation in the dark and just as passionate. Knowing that the experience is fleeting, you try to capture every moment possible. Loved the way you wrote “I write so I’ll remember the way she makes me feel”. So often have I had brilliant plots while asleep and lost it all in my laziness to get up and jot it down! Good stuff, keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for taking your time to read and to comment on this. I’m so glad you were able to hone in to all that I was going for. Since you have experienced the same type of thing as I have your comments are all the more valued! Your description is so right on the mark – wanting to hold on to the Muse but knowing you never can, just visits.

      Looking forward to your insights on the other two poems! I know the feeling of trying to recapture something that came to you in a half dazed sleep.

      Looking forward to your new posts!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tell you a secret… After I read this piece, I was hoping to borrow your muse… So I could write half as well! I’m writing after days so let me vent completely then I’ll be over to see the other pieces ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL!! You are so funny! To tell you the truth I am more than willing to share as long as you still leave her with enough time for me! Writing half as well as me? Ha! Girl, I’m eating your dust!

          When the moment arrives you have to deal with it and get it down. Even if it’s like drinking out of a Firehose! See you when you get done!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, I agree! Meeting new Muses. Never hurts to have a bigger circle of Muses?? What? Did your Muse not leave you his new number? (sorry, couldn’t pass that up). Thanks for visiting and commenting and making this FUN.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your comment! Still enjoying your “Just Because”. Read it to my wife and she laughed and agreed that it should be in the script of a movie! Have you thought about joining S Francis and I in our MEME? Ha!


    1. Thank you so much! I’m so glad it moved you to comment. They really spice up my day. I can surely understand how a Mom would choose a later time than in “The Backside Of The Night”.

      Thanks again for spending time with me. Oh yes, I’m anxiously awaiting the results of your project.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Are you referring to my freelance project? It was published February 20th at Ensia. 🙂 Two additional news outlets have picked it up, too! I have links to it on my blog. If you’re interested, click on Surferbird 51st edition on the homepage. The first paragraph has a couple of links. The Ensia link has the original one. I’m doing some soul searching about where I’m headed at this point. I don’t want my blog to be a conflict of interest for journalistic endeavors. I’ll probably remove the small amount of advertising that I use. I haven’t made any money, anyway, and to be honest, I’m not entirely comfortable with affiliate marketing because it could taint my credibility as a writer. I do plan to keep my blog, though.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh my, I was holding my breath for a long time before you told us you are going to continue to blog. I was starting to turn blue. Ha! I will have to check that out. I didn’t know it was out already. I checked to follow you but haven’t seen any of the posts? I will have to see what’s up with that.

          Give yourself some time to sort things out and you will make the right decisions! Believe in yourself and have faith. You will end up on the right path!!!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, Thank you so much! I’m so glad it moved you to comment. I do so appreciate the feedback that the words are doing their intended work. I hope some of the others might “tease you” too.


    1. Thank you, Miriam! I think you have described this better than I did? Didn’t quite think of it that way but it is so perceptive of you and right on! True in love and definitely in our desire to keep inspiration coming so that we can write. Thanks for taking time to stop by.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I am so pleased that you enjoyed this and found it worth your time. Glad it hit home with you. I have to keep reading it over myself as I keep finding it hard to believe it is mine?? You might try writing in “The Back Side Of The Night”. I find the silence and the darkness is a nice way to focus on the words.

    Liked by 2 people

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