By Charles Robert Lindholm  2-12-2017   at 3:30 p.m.


I wish I would

stay angry

the way they say

I should

But I’ve learned

that letting go

makes me feel so good


I’ve had my share

of heartaches

I’ve shed my share

of tears

but when not caring

finally comes

the hurting disappears


It takes some time

’til you can see

that life is better now

and somehow say

in an honest way

“Thanks for leaving me!”

Copyright © 2017 Charles Robert Lindholm, The Reluctant Poet – All Rights Reserved
Please Come And Rummage Through My Archive!!



    1. Ahh, My Dear!! I cannot tell You how much I Love You for going through all of my older poems and spending time with my words!! I am honored and blessed to have such an avid follower as You! I am so grateful for you spending your precious time with my words! An Awesome and Beautiful Gift, Sweet K!!


  1. Thank you! I am too. Not sure if it is forgiveness? But whatever it is I’m glad for it. Like the tide?

    Thank you for asking? You may regret your inquiry? I guess it has been that in the past I was writing for me. Just to get the words and feeling down on paper – someplace outside myself and visible. I wrote what I felt and what seemed meaningful to me but did not believe would be to others. Most people aren’t that into poetry. It was sort of like the person that has acquired a number of paintings illegally and keeps them in a special room where only they can view them.

    Then I began to see that the words had come to me from the Universe and my heart as a gift and deserved a life of their own, apart from me and any doubts or insecurities about me or my writing skills. I suppose that I have just had the same type of fear most people experience with the thought of public speaking but I have connected it to my writing I’m sure you have noticed that Poet is not on everyone’s Top 1,000 list. Ha!

    I guess I began to see things differently after writing “The Reluctant Poet” and realized that a poem was a part of me, like a child in a way, but that I owed it a chance to live in its’ own right and be seen and loved or hated by others. So, in the same way a Father wants his children to grow and become independent and happy in their own right I decided that I owed that to my poems despite how I felt about myself or them. Silly isn’t it?? A Dear Friend has now told me I need to be “The Unreluctant Poet”.

    I want to thank you so much for asking and giving me an opportunity to get that all down! Sorry for the “Rambling”!! I have been extremely blessed to have found friends and followers who are so encouraging and supportive! It has been a source of true joy to have met and shared with so many others, just like you! I have had the joy of being inspired by my dear friends as well as the supreme honor for a poet – to have inspired someone to write something from a “seed” they gleaned from me! That is such an awesome experience. But I owe it all to my youngest daughter who started my blog, unbeknownst to me. It has turned out to be the greatest gift ever! She said, I’m going to help you face your fear, so I push you, so you can fly”! Well, I’m in the air but still taking flight instruction.
    Have a Blessed Day! Come visit some of my other poems!


    1. read your reply with interest! reluctant poet, isn’t there just a little bit of that in all of us then? I feel your reluctance is some part lack of confidence in your self and your ability to write and some part reluctant to share parts of you for fear of rejection and ridicule. and it may have started with reluctance but you did take that first step into the unknown, bravely and boldly and now discover reluctance has little significance to who you are compared to when you started. We start with the person we thought we knew was us, the person we wanted hidden from the world, yet in contradiction the person we then wanted the world to identify as our persona. but over time and connection though people with similar thoughts and feelings, you have metamorphosed into something opposite of reluctant. you have gained a sense of self worth and admiration of your own work and that’s what makes your poetry beautiful to read, an evolution into something profoundly generous and inspiring to all. keep a little of the reluctance still for we all need some mystery! nice to have met you and now getting to know you. more poetry please!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, My Dear Singledust, as always you are too kind, generous and so wise. I can see the truth in what you say. I suppose you are right in that it is some combination of me and wanting to avoid rejection and lack of interest. As with you, it is often hard for me to take a compliment. I have to work on that. Yes, I guess I have taken some steps to do the thing I have feared to do. Did I share the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt on that topic? Let me know. So are you getting ready to stop hiding in the dust too? Maybe we can take the same stepping stones???

        I have to admit that you, Sailorpoet and DavyD have been a world of support, inspiration and encouragement. Not to mention Friendship! I really look forward to hearing from you guys and the family of followers I’m starting to acquire. It really brightens up my days!! I really was so shocked and honored by what Sailorpoet wrote! I’m still in disbelief. He did tag me with a new nickname though, “The Unreluctant Poet”. I told him I will try and start living up to it. I will try and, as you say, be – “metamorphosed” (there is a great topic??).

        Your caring and thoughtful comments have made such a huge difference to me! Getting to know you has been so great and an honor for you taking your time. Your friendship is such a blessing to me and to all your followers! Thanks so much!!

        You are sooo funny! More poetry please? LOL! You sound like the line from Oliver Twist! Well, I must have been on your ESP wavelength today. Seems I got in the right groove and picked up three poems. Are you using the Universe to send messages? Ha! The problem I’m having lately is finding photos that I like and are appropriate for the poem. It is slowing me down – Sorry! I will try and put in some “Overtime” and get some new posts out!
        Have a Happy Day!


  2. Thank you Sir! You are too Kind. Your comment is so appreciated! I really appreciate you visiting my blog. Thanks again for Emily as a follower! Due to your referral. She hasn’t responded yet if she is going to join us in trying to make “The Backside Of The Night” a meme. I don’t think I have any influence with her yet. Ha! You?


  3. You have written a piece that connects with all of us, speaking to a universal emotion we all have felt and it is reflected in all of these great comments. Well done with this testament to why we write, to let out something we are compelled to let out that takes on a life of its own in a very positive and powerful way in the readers mind and hearts. Very good!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. not caring at all – that was difficult for me to do because by nature I am nurturing and caring even for a tiny dying plant. But I was advised to stop caring for anything except start caring for me. I thought that was powerful. Not caring isn’t always easy if you need to stop caring about someone you thought was carrying the same dream as you were and then they suddenly let go of their end. I liked this poem for the encouragement it gives to people like me who may think not caring is so unselfish, in fact it’s the most generous thing we can do for ourselves. Please pardon the ramble!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Please don’t ever worry about “rambling”! What is rambling? Extended sharing with a friend? That’s ok in my book. I am glad you found this encouraging and hopefully helpful. Not caring is very difficult not to do if you are as you say, a nurturing and caring person. But when you are dealing with something or someone that is causing you pain it is the best thing for you to do is not keep caring.

      Your observation is so true. It is so shocking to think that someone who you love and who you thought loved you tells you that they don’t anymore and are moving on and often with someone new (see my post “An Emotional Nuclear Explosion”). In order for Time to do it’s Healing you have to leave the wound alone??

      Glad you liked this poem! It was just my realization that if she hadn’t left I could have never found my Soulmate and well, that made me really thankful for being able to trade the pain of then for the joy of now.

      No, pardons for rambling allowed!! See, I would be needing pardons for myself every time.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. So many feelings surfaced reading this one piece and the nuclear explosion I think I capsuled them together and yes agree totally about allowing a negative force that no longer wants your energy in their life to leave and allow new light, new energy in. We dont ever really know what the future will bring but we must always live with hope and love the life that has been given to us and by that maybe just maybe we will attract butterflies into our sphere and keep the moths away. I appreciate you taking the time to reply my each and every comment. I read your wise counsel and keep the words for future reference. more we can explore on the subject of healing.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I think you are so right about living with hope. Sorry, to be so wordy but your comments are so interesting and touch on so much. I will try and be more concise. I have homework with your La,La. Land. Healing is a great subject we can hold in reserve.


        1. Thank you for visiting and making such a nice comment! I hope you and everyone can feel good about sharing here on this blog. I want to make it feel like a comfy table where you can come and sit around and share and chit-chat with friends. Thanks for being part of the experience!!! Love your blog!!


  5. I say you’re a better person than me because it’s hard letting go of the anger from the past even when you’ve moved on! But, it’s necessary to do so for our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing as well as our psychological state. Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Not sure about that?? It took awhile to get there. I finally realized that “but for” someone leaving you won’t be able to get on the path toward your Soulmate.

      Here is the truth that I found, “The opposite of love is not hate as many people think. It’s not caring at all – no feelings!”. Its the happier place to be.

      Thanks for visiting and commenting. It really means a lot to me.
      Have a great day!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. “And close the door on your way out.” as we say in the UK. Calliope would be swooning in the knowledge the experience paved the way for these insightful words, Charles 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

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